2024上海旅游展|上海国际旅游展览会ITB China_时间轴 - 点窗

意甲 06-12 阅读:203 评论:0

2024上海旅游展|上海国际旅游展览会ITB China_时间轴 - 点窗

主办单位: 穆博展览(上海)有限公司

举办周期:一年一届 展览面积:25000平方 展商数量:300家 观众数量:15000人

上海国际旅游展览会ITB China是全球旅游**展会ITB系列展会在中国的一次尝试。


上海国际旅游展览会ITB China将提供丰富多彩的社会活动和高效便捷的商务邀请系统,致力于打造**佳的会展体验,展示**佳的旅游商机。展会同期举办ITBChina BBS,实现全球旅游产业的知识交流与传播。



Organizer: Mubo Exhibition (Shanghai) Co., Ltd

Cycle: Annual Exhibition Area: 25,000 square exhibitors Number: 300 Audiences: 15,000 people

Shanghai International Tourism Exhibition ITB China is the world's first tourism exhibition ITB series exhibition in China an attempt.

Hosted by Mubo Exhibition (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. and held annually in Shanghai for three days, the exhibition focuses on the Chinese tourism market, inviting more than 850 top buyers from all over the country, bringing together industry experts from all over the world.

Shanghai International Tourism Exhibition ITB China will provide a variety of social activities and efficient and convenient business invitation system, is committed to creating the best exhibition experience, to show the best tourism opportunities. At the same time, the exhibition held ITBChina BBS, to achieve the global tourism industry knowledge exchange and dissemination.

The scope of the exhibits

Museums, skiing, outdoor activities, airlines, cruise ships, culture, environmental activities, tours, youth tourism, diving, theme parks




